LAST UPDATE:  Feb 2, 2025

 Sign up for our email list:  

  1. Please click here or navigate to Google Groups and search foPVARC with setting 'All groups and messages'
  2. Click 'try asking to join the group' and you'll be prompted with a form to request access
  3. Submit your request, we'll get an email about your request, and approve it

Once you are signed up, you can send emails to the whole club, ask questions, and will receive.  The club email is

Our Repeaters

The PV ARC team maintains eight repeaters for the Portola Valley, Woodside and surrounding areas.  These are open repeaters, emergency powered, and used by local amateurs and the WPV-CERT teams.

FM Amateur Repeater - WB5NVN

      146.085+  PL 100.0        
                        (NARCC Coordinated)

DMR Amateur Repeater - WB5NVN 

      145.025 TX - 147.525 RX  ColorCode 03 
                                   Local Talk Group 312882
                        (NCDCC Coordinated.  NARCC recorded)

                                 Local Talk Group 312882

      Click here to view current DMR log.

      The NVN FM and the NVN DMR repeaters are cross-linked. 

FM Amateur Repeaters - KG6DLG

      224.820+  PL 110.9        KM6DLG (NARCC Coordinated)

      146.085+  PL 110.9        KM6DLG (Uncoordinated)

The KM6DLG 2-meter and 220 ham repeaters are cross-linked. Transmitting to either one, repeats on both.

      52.92-   PL 100.0           KM6DLG (NARCC Coordination)




           462.625+  DCS 162     WQBS772     WPV-CERT LABEL:   PV1

           462.675+  DCS 162     WQBS772     WPV-CERT LABEL:   PV2

           462.600+ DCS 025      WQBS772     WPV-CERT LABEL:  PVT
                        (Used on an emergency basis)

           462.550+  DCS 115     WPV-CERT LABEL:  WD1 (Woodside)

           462.700+  DCS 131     WPV-CERT LABEL:  SK1  (Skyline)


San Mateo Sheriff’s ACS 

SM Sheriff’s ACS maintains a HAM repeater network on 146.865 PL 114.8 VHF.

In some portions of Portola Valley and Woodside this SM ACS VHF repeater is hard to reach or we can’t be easily heard.  As a service to SM ACS, PV ARC maintains a UHF repeater link to the SM ACS VHF system for PV and Woodside.  It is 

              440.975+ PL 131.8  KC6ULT
 ACS operates a directed net on Tuesday evenings at 8 pm 
for amateur operators.  Other San Mateo information and general radio frequency information is here

SM ACS  also reserves the amateur simplex frequency for Portola Valley as 

             146.475 simplex, PL 114.8 to be used locally during an emergency.


Portola Valley Travelers Information Services AM Radio

PV EPC maintains an AM broadcast station on 1680 kHz, transmitting 24x7 recorded information.  Should an emergency be declared, the AM radio will be updated accordingly or live transmissions commenced.


Portola Valley Weather -Ambient Weather Net
on the WB5NVN HF Mosley beam antenna and mast.  Scroll in window.

powered by Ambient Weather

© ( wb5nvn February 2, 2025