If your interested in getting on the Air as a HAM Radio operator your going to need a license issued by the FCC, the Federal Communications Commission.  It’s easy to get started and explore what’s possible.  

Several members of the PVARC have gotten their licenses from these resources.  Send an email to me and I’ll connect you.

There are three license levels, starting with Technician, General, and with the most advanced level being Extra. Privileges increase with increasing levels.

To obtain a license requires passing the test for a given level. For example, the Technicians exam has 35 questions, of which a passing score of 74% or 26 or more correct answers. As of 2007, the FCC eliminated the Morse Code requirement for all levels.

Cost for obtaining a license is typically $15 fee for testing and $35 for a license.

There are numerous sources to prep for the exam.  Testing is typically performed by several certified HAM clubs.  We are lucky to have so many qualified clubs and personnel nearby to assist.  



There are many resources available on the web as well as self-taught.  A great resource to start is at the American Radio Relay League, ARRL.

The ARRL Licensing and Training link has very useful information on the entire process

The ARRL study books for each level are excellent for self-guided training.

With technical explanations and examples, rules, and regulations and includes test sections along the way.

Highly recommend by several Testing groups is 


This offers a more structured guided learning approach.

There are many "Youtube university" channels to pick from, W4EEY has developed more of a "class room" approach

There are several testing groups in the Bay Area. Hamstudy lists many scheduled sessions and can be found here:

In addition to the above Sunnyvale-VEC offers tests every 2'nd Saturday of the month.

Gary Wise - OnLine YouTube

Here is the the link to the website of Ham Radio instructor Gary Wise, W4EEY:

His classes can be attended live or by recorded YouTube videos.  Interested folks should visit Garys' webpage to get more information and a link to his YouTube channel

A quote form Gary's YouTube channel:

"Ham radio is the best hobby in the world! I've been privileged to teach classes in Amateur Radio in coordination with the ARRL, the Greer (South Carolina) Amateur Radio Club and Greer Parks and Recreation. This channel will contain videos of these ham radio classes. You too can talk to the world by radio!

Ross Peterson, Sheriff’s ACS

Associated with the Sheriff’s ACS office is Ross Peterson, SCU’s assistant unit leader.  He runs a series of ham classes/tests, roughly once a quarter. See  This is a ham cram approach to getting a license.  It is a guided study session where students pore over the known exam questions and answers until the answers look familiar, and then take the test. Success rate is typically 90%.  Besides, most of what you learn as a ham is by doing.  

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